Res 19-283

We Passed Resolution 19-283!
It's time for fossil fuel companies to pay for the damage they have done.
What is Resolution 19-283?
Resolution 19-283 authorizes the City and County of Honolulu to initiate legal action against fossil fuel companies to recover climate crisis-related costs.
Big oil companies such as ExxonMobil knew that their products would lead to damages since the 1970's, if not earlier. Yet, they continued to sell and advocate for their products. Even worse, they began a misinformation campaign designed to cover up the scientific evidence which found that anthropogenic climate change is real and is being caused by greenhouse gas emissions.
If multi-billion dollar fossil fuel corporations do not pay up for the cost of climate change, then guess who does? That's right: us. Oʻahu's local taxpayers and business should not be the ones who bear the sole burden of combating climate change. Billions of dollars of Oʻahu's assets are threatened by climate change-induced seal level rise. Fossil fuel corporations are the ones who made money selling products that endanger our future; now it is time for them to pay their fair share.
Resolution 19-283 passed the Honolulu City Council on November 12, 2019, adding the City and County of Honolulu to a growing number of states and counties holding fossil fuel companies accountable through legal action.