In 2019, Hawai‘i Youth Climate Strike was created in February with the sole purpose of organizing one protest in solidarity with the Global Climate Strike of March 2019. Due to the success of the March strike, we continued to plan for a similar strike in September 2019. After the September strike, we renamed ourselves the Hawai‘i Youth Climate Coalition to better reflect our mission and values.

Our mission is simple: Engage and empower youth through education and advocacy to help shape a just, equitable, and climate resilient future for Hawai‘i's communities.
Our motto is even more simple: "Rising Tides, Rising Voices."

We are a strictly youth-led, community advocacy organization dedicated to fighting for climate justice. In our short existence, we have been at the forefront of change here in Hawai‘i.

At HYCC. we strive to maintain these values as we move forward to make a change:
Climate change is not a singular issue.
We do not subscribe to violence as a means of attaining our needs.
We stand with other movements fighting for equality.
Collaboration with our community members is the only avenue for change.